What our clients say


“As a full-time high school teacher, mother and wife for over 30 years I spent the entire day on my feet in heels and lower back pain was my constant companion. The first yoga session I attended provided relief. Louisa’s strategies for strengthening the muscles of the back have left me pain-free for over 15 years. Now retired and a grandmother I am the envy of my friends who all look after grandchildren and struggle with lifting babies and toddlers.

The added hidden benefit has been that yoga has such a calming effect that sleep problems have disappeared from my life.”

Amanda, 64
Former French/German teacher
Wenona School, North Sydney


“I started yoga with Louisa at the same time as I commenced a new job in a senior position. I immediately felt the benefits of stretching, as I spent a lot of time at my desk. I felt like a new woman after a yoga session. The yoga helped me maintain calm in the workplace, especially in stressful times.

I found that when I maintained my yoga practise my whole being was more stable and I was better at maintaining a positive workplace culture, and managing staffing issues. I introduced my husband to yoga and we both believe yoga has had a very positive impact on our relationship and family dynamics (having 3 teenagers in the house!).

We miss Louisa’s calm, yet motivating voice. The atmosphere she can create in a room is magical.”

Susan, Chief Executive Officer, Manly Drug Education & Counselling Centre (MDECC)
December 2016


“Lunge Yoga has helped me considerably with managing otherwise debilitating lower back pain, as well as provided me with much energy to first of all arrive at work in the morning energised and able to perform at a high level from the moment I arrive at work. It has also enabled me to remain energised for often long, 10-11 hour work days.

Yoga has also contributed greatly to my overall health, happiness and work life balance. It also contributed to a greater social and professional network with good and interesting people.

Since commencing Lunge Yoga, I not only want to attend yoga as regularly as I can, but it has also given me more energy for other exercise and activities.”

Kevin, 59, Category manager/Product Manager, Carter Holt Harvey Wood Products Australia
December 2016


“After hearing about Louisa I knew I had to take myself to her class. I had tried different types of Yoga but nothing got me hooked like Lunge Yoga. Yes Lunge Yoga helped me with back issues, but for me the biggest thing that I noticed was it also helped me calm the farm (the ‘mind’). I soon stopped ‘sweating the small stuff’ and starting making better life and work decisions, benefiting both myself and my family. Louisa has techniques to help with the mind and body as a whole.

Thanks to Louisa, yoga now plays a very important part in my life. I will be forever grateful for her guidance and introduction to this wonderful practice and I know you will all benefit too. You’d be crazy not to try her classes… and like me, you don’t need to be able to bend like a banana!”

Daria, 47 yrs young at heart, Project Manager, Red Dingo
January 2017


“Louisa’s yoga is an investment in both your body and mind. It has helped me through many tough times in life, from injuries to more serious health conditions.

It keeps my whole body in balance and every session leaves me feeling strong, peaceful and rejuvenated.

I have tried many other types of yoga and for many years, and if you only have time for one type, Lunge is the one to go for, whether you are after flexibility, strength, rehab or cleansing of body and soul, or all of it. It is different to others and also the most efficient way to increase your core and back strength, which I found vital for all other activities in my life, such as surfing, swimming, and running. Plus it cures you from all problems associated with sitting in front of a computer too many hours a week…

I couldn’t recommend it more.”

Kristina, 41, Business owner
April, 2015


“I started the Yoga for Surfers class in October 2012 and, combined with a healthy plant based diet, soon began to see positive changes to my physical and mental wellbeing. My wife saw my improvement and joined me in the regular classes and we’ve been going to classes together since. Over this period I’ve toned up, lost almost 10kgs and am starting to be a bit more flexible. Louisa’s patient and easy to follow teaching style has kept me coming back to class.”

Julian, CEO, not-for-profit
February 2015


“After 6 years I still get surprised how great I feel after doing a Yoga class with Louisa and her team at Lunge. Even if it was a struggle to get to class, I always leave feeling lighter in my body, gentler in my mind. Also at Lunge it is a wonderful community of people of all ages, shapes, styles, personalities… not at all intimidating to attend”

Jane, Film Technician
February 2015


“There are several things about Lunge Yoga classes with Louisa and the other instructors who work there that makes me want to go to class if at all possible. I usually go to yoga on Saturday mornings, and the rest of my day is schedulled around it. I have an inflammatory condition and arthritis which makes movement a painful challenge at times, but without yoga, I become more and more restricted. The first advantage for a new person who is a bit uncertain about trying yoga, is that Lunge Yoga classes accommodate all levels – or in my case when I first came, no level at all, and are not competitive. When I was looking for a class to join, I tried a few, and although there were some movements that I could do, there were many more that I could not. No attempt was made to moderate the task so I could do something. It made me feel awkward and embarrassed. Louisa always adapts the movements to a simpler version, but announces it so that you are not singled out, like”..this is a tiny movement, you may not lift off the ground, but the body is working…” Unlike other classes I tried, the other people who come to class represent all possible shapes and sizes from the beautiful dancer types, althletic types, to the middle aged and older. It makes no difference what you wear- no one is in matching spandex and coordinated yoga mat, no one is in a full face of makeup, and everyone is very encouraging and supportive of each other. There is always a range of ability in every movement. No one is checking out what anyone else is doing except to check they are doing the right thing. When partnered up, the experienced people often work with a newer person and can really help with tips and interest. Once I started to come regularly, other class members told me that I was doing much better. It meant such a lot, because I was feeling very discouraged,as I hadn’t seen any real improvement at that point! They didn’t have to say anything, and I didn’t even know their names at that stage.

The other thing that is really special about Lunge Yoga classes is the humour, whether it is the cracking knee volley from right angles drawing giggles, or the left/right yoga dyslexia catching people, it’s never too serious. Finally, it is really helpful to know why you are doing a particular sequence of movements as Louisa changes the class to suit the season. Some of them are diabolical, but you always feel so much better after the class, and this feeling can last for several days. I am so grateful that I have found Louisa’s class and it has made a huge improvement to my quality of life.”

March 2015


“I’ve been doing different types of yoga for just on 30 years, the last 7 of those have been at Lunge with Louisa and trust me, it’s the best. One energetic session keeps my body aligned all week. As someone who ‘drives a desk’ I really notice when I miss a class. Lunge yoga classes help me focus, release tension, realign back issues, build core strength and balance. While some sessions are more challenging and strenuous than others, you don’t need to be a Yogi to fit in and get the most out of any class.”

Hunter, 48, Managing Director
February 2015


“Louisa has an amazing teaching technique which focuses on challenging and enriching the way you move and breath. Louisa is easy to listen to as she guides your mind and body through a routine which is never the same twice. Louisa has an uncanny ability to know what the whole class needs just by looking at us on the way in.

The benefits of Lunge Yoga include body & mind alignment, body & mind strength along with pain relief and general good health. Lunge yoga has helped me focus better on all aspects of my life. I enjoy the daily classes and the intensives are the best.

Thanks you Louisa for all you give us.”

Dave Lovell, Director CMS Surveyors
February 2015


“I have been attending Lunge Yoga classes for close to 10 years and love the mix of movements and Asanas Louisa brings to her classes. She adapts each class to assist in coping with the ever changing weather and mind/body imbalances. I find this style of yoga very interesting and not as static as the other yoga styles. I am desk bound 5 days a week; sitting for long periods of time and these classes help in addressing lower back tensions, genetic weaknesses and essentially keep me feeling younger.”

Celia, 54, Office Administrator
February 2015


“Yoga with Louisa at Lunge is not just exercise – it’s an education!

It stretches your body as well as your mind!  You earn an understanding of self through  acceptance, patience and a good breathing technique. You are supported on so many levels that you always leave a class feeling enriched! Many thanks Louisa!”

Marina, Stylist
February 2015


“I have been enjoying the benefits of Lunge Yoga over the past 12 months, the major benefits being freedom from chronic lower back issues (from sporting injuries over the years) and hence not incurring consequential debilitating pain (which I used to suffer at least monthly) and a complete end to reliance on taking anti-inflammatory medication before and any form of exercise.”

Gregor Millson, Director of Construction Company
February 2015


“Whenever my body is out of alignment I can feel it being realigned within one session, plus I’ve grown 1.5cm in height since doing yoga at Lunge .” 

Helen, 43, Executive Assistant
February 2015


“I have tried it all, trust me, but the only thing that really works to keep my back healthy (bulging disk issues) is to attend Louisa’s classes at Lunge regularly.”

Louise Warnelid, Manly, Business Owner
February 2015


“My name is Kris and I have been attending Louisa’s yoga class now for about 4 months. I started with one on one sessions, where Louisa was able to provide instruction on stretch’s and exercises that targeted my specific back problems. She then formulated a personal program for me to continue with at home. This focused on stretching and strengthening exercises. Louisa provided support and encouragement and I have noticed a dramatic improvement in my back issues and my overall suppleness and fitness. This has also benefitted me greatly in my work. I am very grateful for Louisa’s knowledge, friendliness and professionalism.”

Kris, Self-employed
February 2015


“You’re the best Louisa, thanks for adding so much to the lives of so many people. You should be incredibly proud of what you do every day.

Paul Hines
CEO, GSA Insurance Brokers (after the week Intensive)


“I love your class. It’s AMAZING. I don’t know what I would have done without it over the past few years. Not only does it provide an hour of space away from a busy family life, I look forward to it all week. Plus it must have saved me thousands in chiro/physio. Please don’t ever give up!”

Busy Mum of 3, Producer


“I just wanted to say again how much I enjoyed and benefited from the lovely retreat. I found the whole retreat to be completely nourishing in every way. I have come away feeling energised and calm.  I also feel I leant a lot during the 4 days.  I am in the city today at work, have already noticed my breathing for 5 mins (door closed) and will be heading up to iku  at Martin Place for lunch See you tomorrow morn for yoga.”

Business Owner,
April 2012
(after weekend In-studio Autumn Retreat)


“Just wanted to thank you again for a wonderful workshop.  The girls and I had an amazing time and feel so blessed to have met you and the other participants.  I woke up this morning feeling altered.  I felt calm and centred and feel as though I had a life changing experience.   I look forward very much to seeing you again, maybe in Melbourne if we can pull it together, if not, definitely back in Manly.”

Mum and 2 daughters,
April 2012 (after In-Studio Autumn Retreat)


“It was great doing your classes for the year that I lived there and thanks also for the shiatsu, meditation and personal yoga you taught me which kept me sane and really helped me to change my life in many ways.”

Overseas visitor to Manly,
August 2011


“Thanks Louisa, lots love and best of luck with your great business and I hope you keep loving yoga! You really did change my life (and made my pregnancy much better than I thought!) I am sorry we didn’t get to say goodbye before leaving for Asia; I would have loved to have introduced our gorgeous new son.

We are just loving him so much and he is a very happy and healthy little man!

I am trying to locate a good yoga over here – I miss your classes desperately!”

Couple that moved to Asia,
May 2010


“With deep gratitude I thank you for the intensive this week, you’re a great teacher. It’s been wonderful, everything about it! I’ve not been practicing as much as I normally do, and this intensive has brought the shift I’ve needed to get back into it. Many many thanks.”

Summer 2010 (after New Year Intensive)


“I just wanted to thank you for the Intensive last week. I had a great week, met some lovely people, loved the delicious food (I have continued with the brown rice breakfastsJ) and had so much energy! It was nice to go to the beach every morning during my last week in Manly as well. I am all settled in my new home now, so I probably will not be making it back to Manly for yoga at Lunge very often, which is a very sad thought. I have sussed out some yoga centres over this side but I am very reluctant to move on from Lunge! Thank you for everything that you have done for me over the past year. I have had some very stressful times and it has always been an incredible comfort to know that calm and peace of mind is only a yoga class away. Yoga has become much more than a form of exercise for me. It has led me to discover and explore my spirituality and I am so grateful for that. Take care and all the best- I will certainly be popping in for class when I am in Manly.”

November 2010


“Thank you for last week.

I had a lovely time taking time out to do the workshop – I have not done anything like that before and would thoroughly recommend it to everyone! 

I loved the beach shuffle, a great start to the day and the different yoga classes – no class was the same!  And the delicious breakfasts, dinner and lunch as well as the meditation class.

A great all rounder workshop for the body and the mind.  I have not done yoga for a number of years and only then about 6 times before but was able to do most of the moves. Hope to see you tomorrow morning at the beach shuffle otherwise planning to come along and do some more yoga classes – I’m addicted!”

November 2009 (After Spring Intensive week)


“Hi Louisa, What a week! I really have started to feel well; I haven’t had any wheat products for 4 days and have been eating all the yummy food from your recipes. I have always sort of half followed yoga, fitness and nutrition. I really enjoyed how my body changed during the week – I feel so flexible and not nearly as tired as I have been, and bloated.

Hopefully I will get to class on Thursday. I would really like to get a “do-at-home personal program” of some movements as I am going away on the 22nd for 2 weeks and don’t want to lose my fitness.

Thanks again for a truly great week!”

2009 (after Winter Intensive Week)


“Louisa, thank you for your wonderful classes and the wonderful energy they generate.”



“Louisa – thanks again for the great experience in the back strength class, as a beginner I could not have found a better and more encouraging instructor!”
