What Surfers Say


“My primary motivation for starting Lunge yoga was to stabilise more core, as well as get more mobility/flexibility in my neck, shoulders and lower back. Being an office worker and a surfer, those were areas that got particularly tight and jammed up. I had tried other forms of yoga, which made no difference. And in some cases made things worse.

This form/style of yoga had definitely addressed that really well. My body is a lot more open, and I am less stiff at the end of the day. I’m also feeling much better after surfing, and don’t get the same lower back and neck pain that I did in the past. I generally do yoga in the morning. I find that even if I have had a bad or not enough sleep, the yoga provides me with so much more energy to get me through the day.”

Anton, 45, IT Project Manager
December, 2016



“I started with one class per week but had to have more. You get the right poses at the right time and whilst you feel amazing almost straight away, the benefits are long lasting. I went from one to two to three classes a week and always wanted more.

My surfing fitness and intuition improved out of sight. I went from surfing once or twice a week to surfing every single day if it’s good and still getting just as much work done.

I’m building a business from scratch, writing blogs and seeing clients. Before meeting Louisa, life was hectic. Regular yoga has helped me channel my energy to last the entire day. I’m now buzzing all day and I’ve dropped the 3x coffees back to one. I’m also way less stressed.

Louisa’s classes have helped me to perform better in the office, in the surf and at home. It’s a total game changer.”

James, 34, Sufficient Funds Business owner/Advisor YOLO Financial Services
December, 2016



“I am a surfer and I started the Yoga for Surfers Class about 13 years ago not knowing the benefits & positive impact this class would have on me from a physical and mental wellbeing! Over these years I have seen incredible improvement in my flexibility, increased core strength and a relaxed mindset/attitude approach when it comes to surfing but also when dealing with stress related matters especially in the business sector.

A big attraction to come to the class and what has kept me coming back every week over the years is Louisa’s incredible teaching style! Louisa has a beautiful gentle nature and presents very clear instruction on each yoga pose. She is very supportive and full of encouragement and I like that each class can be different but still working on the body core with those essential breathing technique to get through the difficult poses, leaving me feeling much stronger, definitely relaxed & lighter in the body at the end of class. I feel like all the tension has left the body and its re-aligned and ready to focus for what lies ahead for the day.

I never preach ideas or suggestions to others BUT I cannot recommend enough how good the yoga is for me! Many thanks Louisa x”

Stuart McEvoy, 47, Director CMS Surveyors
April, 2016



“Louisa’s yoga is an investment in both your body and mind. It has helped me through many tough times in life, from injuries to more serious health conditions.

It keeps my whole body in balance and every session leaves me feeling strong, peaceful and rejuvenated.

I have tried many other types of yoga and for many years, and if you only have time for one type, Lunge is the one to go for, whether you are after flexibility, strength, rehab or cleansing of body and soul, or all of it. It is different to others and also the most efficient way to increase your core and back strength, which I found vital for all other activities in my life, such as surfing, swimming, and running. Plus it cures you from all problems associated with sitting in front of a computer too many hours a week…

I couldn’t recommend it more.”

Kristina 41, Business owner
April, 2015



“I started the Yoga for Surfers class in October 2012 and, combined with a healthy plant based diet, soon began to see positive changes to my physical and mental wellbeing. My wife saw my improvement and joined me in the regular classes and we’ve been going to classes together since. Over this period I’ve toned up, lost almost 10kgs and am starting to be a bit more flexible. Louisa’s patient and easy to follow teaching style has kept me coming back to class.”

Julian, CEO, not-for-profit
February 2015



“I’ve been doing different types of yoga for just on 30 years, the last 7 of those have been at Lunge with Louisa and trust me, it’s the best. One energetic session keeps my body aligned all week. As someone who ‘drives a desk’ I really notice when I miss a class. Lunge yoga classes help me focus, release tension, realign back issues, build core strength and balance. While some sessions are more challenging and strenuous than others, you don’t need to be a Yogi to fit in and get the most out of any class.”

Hunter, 48, Managing Director
February 2015



David surfing

“Louisa has an amazing teaching technique which focuses on challenging and enriching the way you move and breath. Louisa is easy to listen to as she guides your mind and body through a routine which is never the same twice. Louisa has an uncanny ability to know what the whole class needs just by looking at us on the way in.

The benefits of Lunge Yoga include body & mind alignment, body & mind strength along with pain relief and general good health. Lunge yoga has helped me focus better on all aspects of my life. I enjoy the daily classes and the intensives are the best.

Thanks you Louisa for all you give us.”

Dave Lovell, Director CMS Surveyors
February 2015



“I have been enjoying the benefits of Lunge Yoga over the past 12 months, the major benefits being freedom from chronic lower back issues (from sporting injuries over the years) and hence not incurring consequential debilitating pain (which I used to suffer at least monthly) and a complete end to reliance on taking anti-inflammatory medication before and any form of exercise.”

Gregor Millson, Director of Construction Company
February 2015