A healthy team is a happy and productive team
Last year, a large Australian media organisation approached Louisa of Lunge Yoga to lead and coordinate a half-day team building workshop for their Senior Management Team. It was part of ongoing health management program that was being integrated within the company.
The organisation’s CEO, attended regular yoga classes at Lunge Yoga in Manly for over 6 years and wanted to share the positive experience and knowledge she’d gained from Lunge Yoga with her team.
The intent was to help her team become even better, happier and more productive versions of themselves, not only for the company benefit but for themselves individually. She wanted them to learn some effective tools and ideas about yoga, health and complementary therapies that they could incorporate into their daily life.
The workshop included Lunge Japanese Yoga, simple meditation techniques, pressure point massage (shiatsu treatment), healthy nutritional ideas and the event was fully catered.
Leading up to the day
In preparation for the workshop, Louisa and the organisation’s CEO met to discuss the objectives and expectations the retreat needed to fulfil.
All organisations, teams and individuals are different and have different philosophies, so it was important to ensure the experience would be enjoyable and beneficial to everyone involved. Lunge Yoga provides specific programs based on an organisation’s intent, needs and requirements.
The executive workshop
One of the best parts of the day was the beginning. The team had no knowledge of the day other than to dress in a relaxed manner ready for some movement and exercise.
The day began at 10am at the Lunge Yoga studio. Louisa introduced herself and gave a quick outline of what they were getting themselves into over the next four hours. There were a few nervous faces as not everyone had done yoga or anything similar in nature before, but overall everyone was keen to dive in.
Shortly afterwards, the two-hour yoga session began. From Louisa’s discussion with the CEO and having just met the rest of the team, she was able to structure and adapt every aspect of the class to suit the ability and confidence of the whole group.
Throughout the session, Louisa led the team through a series of movements that targeted relevant areas of the body for each person that provided a level of challenge but also gave relief, keeping tension levels down and energy levels up. There was individual yoga, some partner work, simple massage techniques and some breath awareness to gain a basic understanding of meditation to help bring the session to completion.
Following the session, everyone migrated to the open kitchen-dining room for questions and lunch. Lunch was catered by Iku Wholefoods of Neutral Bay and consisted of a delicious array of healthy, wholesome dishes.
At around 2pm it was time to head off – but not empty handed. Louisa sent everyone home with a complimentary package:
- Healthy treat/snacks for afternoon tea catered from IKU wholefoods
- Gift vouchers from IKU wholefoods
- Complimentary class passes to Lunge Yoga
- Gift certificate from Lunge Yoga should anyone be interested in a private yoga consult at a later date and/or a “Shiatsu Treatment” (pressure point massage)
- And lastly, a handbook containing a wealth of information on how yoga, complementary therapies and basic nutrition can support health in one’s life
What happened next?
Alone, the day was a huge success for everyone involved. It was great to see how much of a positive effect the event had on each of the executives present.
- Of the eight people that attended the workshop:
- One participant continued to include yoga (3 to 4 yoga sessions a week at Lunge Yoga) in her health and fitness regime as well as other complementary therapies
- One participant followed up with private yoga sessions to help with their existing chronic back pain and had since started to attend regular yoga classes once to twice a week
- Another participant now attends yoga once a week
- Three other participants have attended Lunge Yoga Seasonal Workshops and Intensive programs in following 6 months since their personalised Executive Workshop
- Louisa has helped another client through her pregnancy with back ache and has recommended other complementary therapies such as acupuncturists, osteo-therapists and chiropractors with who Lunge Yoga works
On the whole, it was a great four hours out of everyone’s day spent learning about yoga, complementary therapies, and collaborating with each other.
There is more information here, or to discuss a customised Executive Yoga Workshop with Lunge Yoga for your team, contact Louisa – 0412 389 603.