We heard from Georgie on how regular and consistent yoga has helped her find the happiest, healthiest and strongest version of herself.

A little bit about Georgie

As a mother of two young children, a designer and avid soccer player, Georgie makes going to yoga a priority wherever she can. Being pregnant with her first child was the catalyst for Georgie trying yoga for the first time. Georgie signed up for a pregnancy yoga course in Mosman to help her body and mind best prepare for a natural childbirth. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Georgie had a caesarean, which was a very challenging experience both physically and psychologically.

Lunge yoga helped Georgie shed her pregnancy weight, realign her body to what it was before falling pregnant and eliminate her constant neck pain.

 “I lost all my pregnancy weight from doing yoga at Lunge. It did take a little while to see results but I owe my weight loss and good health to going to yoga consistently a few times a week and making sure I was eating wholefoods and as little processed foods as possible. I went back to the weight I was before I got married and fit into my jeans from my 20s!! I think that going to at least 2 classes a week (sometimes 3) makes such a HUGE difference to achieving great health and flexibility in the body and the mind. Once a week is fine but you don’t reap as many benefits”


Other than shedding the weight, Georgie noticed that yoga at Lunge had also helped her realign her whole body shape.

“I think one thing that yoga with Louisa is really great for, especially for women, is that it helps to realign you (mentally and physically) and puts everything back to where it should be. It’s easy to underestimate how much pressure your body is under when you’re pregnant so preparing yourself before, and realigning yourself after, yoga is one of the best things you can do for yourself.”

Georgie had experienced excruciating neck pain during and following the birth of both her children.

“When and after I was pregnant with both my children, I started to experience neck pain and took a bit of a break from yoga. I was seeing a physio for my neck pain but after a while the pain kept coming back and my physio told me there wasn’t anymore he could do to for me. He suggested I go back to yoga and so I went back to Lunge and within a few months of regular yoga with Louisa my neck pain was gone.”

The consistency of regular yoga with Louisa leading up to her second pregnancy really helped Georgie prepare for and experience a better birth.

“The birth of my son was a much calmer experience. My body was fit, strong and ready to cope with the birth much better. I also felt that I was better equipped to look after my son and I recovered so much quicker than the first time.”


Georgie finds Lunge goes beyond yoga and gives you a whole lifestyle package

“My head (space) has changed completely since I started yoga (at Lunge). As soon as I walk in the door I can zone out and focus totally on the class; the movements and the breathing. Keeping up with the regular classes not only keeps my body flexible and fit but keeps my mind clear and strong.  I haven’t found another yoga studio that has this wholistic approach too where you get so much more than yoga there. It’s a comfortable place to be where there’s no judgement, you can rock up in your oldest pair of trackies and no one would care.”

Georgie declares however, that the Lunge secret is really Louisa.

Louisa guides you through reaching your health goals. Just talking with Louisa before and after classes you learn more about how to heal yourself, how to eat in a balanced way. You also become more aware about how everything affects your body and your state of mind. I still have fun and party but I guess I just regulate it a bit more these days”

As a beautiful, tall woman, Georgie also used to feel like she was often hunching over. These days, Georgie feels her posture is much better.

“The other amazing thing about Louisa is she notices changes in you. I walked in to the yoga studio one morning and Louisa said, wow you’ve grown taller. I went home to measure myself and I actually grown a couple of centimetres. Whether that was because I’d lengthened my compacted spine or I had better posture, I’m not sure, but I’ve definitely grown and stand taller.”

Another great aspect of Lunge for Georgie is the cooking classes offered at Lunge,

 “They have helped me learn more about the balanced nutrition that my body needs and learning about healthy ideas to use in everyday cooking which has helped me to cut out processed foods, refined sugars etc.”


The seasonal intensive programs at Lunge were a logical next step for Georgie on her yoga journey.

Following her second pregnancy, Georgie felt that doing an intensive program would be a great boost and help her to get back into her old routine of regular yoga,.

“When I was ready to come back to class after the birth of my son Louisa had an intensive week coming up. I signed up and now I’m hooked. I do the spring intensive as a minimum every year and have done so for the last 4 years.”

From family to her overall health and happiness, Georgie claims that yoga at Lunge is her secret to success.

Georgie loves her family and thanks yoga for helping her be the best mother and wife she can be.

When you’re a mum you tend to put yourself last on the list of priorities in your family which I don’t mind at all because I love being a mum but getting that precious out time, helps me to be happier and look after my family the best I can.

Above EVERYTHING else Georgie loves that yoga keeps her healthy and happy.

“I have not been sick this last year and I usually get a cold or the flu every winter and I really think it’s thanks to doing yoga twice to three times a week. The best benefit from yoga though is I’m happy and I feel good about myself – and that’s priceless.”


A few words of advice from Georgie for other mothers and young women:

“Take that step and don’t delay it, just get in there. It’s like anything in life really, once you take that initial step you can’t go backwards and you just keep moving forwards. If you’re going through tough times yoga really helps. If I’m ever having a frantic day, I will now automatically stop and take a few deep breaths, slow down so I can react to any situation calmly.”

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