Lunge Japanese Yoga Autumn Intensive 2016 – it’s a wrap!

Reflection after the Intensive week

Throughout this intensive we moved from the abundance of summer, towards the beginnings of the cooler seasons. Autumn brings about a time of contracting inward, strengthening the body and mind’s ability to let go of things that no longer serve us. With letting go we set ourselves up to maintain a positive health routine for the rest of the year; physically, mentally emotionally, spiritually… whatever is needed for the individual!


Summer… the season of joy and laughter

…life is in full bloom… expansion, lightness, outward activity, brightness and creativity

A period of luxurious growth and a time of generous social activity and connection where the days are long and energy is in abundance. Summer is a more stable time than spring. If we have not nurtured our bodies through winter and cleansed them in spring, summer can be a very hard Season to endure. Often the inability to cope with the heat is a sign of high levels of toxicity in the body. However, we can bring back to balance high levels of toxicity by taking on cooling exercises such as swimming, appropriate yoga and/or movement…all activities that help our lymph glands remove accumulated toxins, and as an added bonus eliminate stress.
